We are EAIPA member Associazione Etre from Italy 🇮🇹
We are a network of theatre and multidisciplinary residencies that operate in the Lombardy Region in the North of Italy.
Founded in 2008 within a project funded by the Cariplo Private Banking Foundation, Etre involves 14 associate members, that work in the field of cultural project development with local communities.
This is Davide D’Antonio who represents us in EAIPA an is also the treasurer in EAIPAs board.
We want to promote cultural work that speaks directly to citizens and local communities, aiming to involve suburban areas and connect territories, with the strong belief that culture could and should be the engine for social development and innovation.
We offer a platform for exchanging good practices and competencies, advocacy, networking and project development, aiming at the socio-cultural growth and the wellbeing of the communities it engages with.
Thanks to Cariplo Foundation’s LAIVin project, we have been able to promote the cultural leadership of young people through theatrical and music workshops in secondary schools in Lombardy and in the area of Novara and Verbano Cusio Ossola by activating in ten years more than 700 laboratories and involving more than 270 schools and 35,800 students. LAIVin Action 2022 Festival has just ended and took place from 23-30 May in Milan.
After two years of home schooling and social distancing, students finally had the chance to come back live on stage to perform and share their experiences by presenting shows, theatrical extracts, videos and musical performances.
Siamo più forti insieme! We are #strongertogether!
Find out more about independent performing arts in Italy in the 2nd edition of our brochure Introduction to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe (2021).
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook: Associazione Etre
Instagram: @etreresidenze
Twitter: @EtreResidenze
EAIPA on Social Media:
Facebook: EAIPA European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Instagram: @eaipa_association
Twitter: @eaipa_assoc