EAIPA – the European Association of Independent Performing Arts was founded in 2018 as the umbrella organisation for associations and interest groups from all over Europe representing the independent performing arts internationally and at the European level.

EAIPA operates at a B2B level and its members, in turn, represent the actors from the professional independent performing arts field on the respective national levels. The designation ‚independent performing arts community‘ comprises all professional freelance theatre-makers, artistic ensembles, and independent institutions and structures working in the genres of dance, theatre, circus, performance, music, performing arts for children, and youth theatre as well as overall interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary artistic work.


Our mission is to raise visibility for the sector and to achieve sustainable working structures and conditions as well as sufficient and stable funding for every artist in Europe.


Our vision is to become widely recognized among the independent performing arts sector with strong expert knowledge and therefore a reliable partner for policy/decision-makers on all levels.


  • EAIPA members exchange knowledge and best-practice models regularly to guarantee that national efforts are amplified and that a solid foundation for a European agenda is created.
  • By mapping the European landscape of independent performing arts, EAIPA undertakes to collect, identify, analyse, promote, and publish all applicable information, expertise, success stories, best practice models, challenges, and concerns of the sector.
  • A sector-specific tool kit built from the accumulated data should assist political representatives in drafting and implementing programs in which the needs of the independent performing arts scene complement that of the established, institutionalised structures. The tool kit is also designed to serve as a basis for all future endeavours and negotiations at the international and European level, with EAIPA being the relevant dialogue partner.

At the General Assembly in March 2019, Ulrike Kuner (President) presented her vision of the main work objectives and goals, to be a guideline to the forthcoming work of the board. Learn more.

The new president and the new general manager are very happy to take on their new challenge (Spring, 2024):

Krystof Kolacek: “I am deeply honoured to have been elected as the president of EAIPA. I have believed strongly in the organization’s purpose since its foundation, and it is a privilege to lead it now. I would like to express my gratitude to Ulrike Kuner, who served as president for two successful terms, as well as to all the board and EAIPA members. I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the new board.”

Ulrike Kuner: „Becoming general manager of EAIPA is a great honour and will help the networt to build a solid and stable ground for all future activities. Together with the Austrian team Esther Baio, Christian Keller and Maren Streich we will support all EAIPA´s endeavours and are curious to create better understanding and real changes for the future of the sector. And we thank the Austrian Ministry BMKÖS for the constant financial support since EAIPA´s founding in 2018“. 


BOARD MEMBERS Spring 2024 – Spring 2026

Kryśtof Koláĉek 
Asociace nezavislych divadel AND CR – Czech Republic
Institut umění – Divadelní ústav, Celetná 595/17, CZE – 11000 Praha 1-Staré Město

Inga Remeta

Društvo Asociacija – Slovenia
Metelkova 6, SI – 1000 Ljubljana

Stefan Aleksandrov Prohorov
АСТ – Aсоциация за свободен театър / ACT – Association of Independent Performing Arts Performing Arts – Bulgaria
Art office, bul. Macedonia 17, fl. 4, ap. 21, BUL – Sofia 1606

Chiara Baudino

Cordinamento delle Realtà Scena Contemporanea (C.Re.S.Co.) – Italy
Via Natale del Grand 27, ITA – 00184 Roma 

Communication Manager
Anna Steinkamp

Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. – Germany
Dudenstraße 10, DE – 10965 Berlin

Board Member
Amy Fee
Danscentrum Sverige – Sweden 
Hornsgatan 103, 8tr, SE – 11728 Stockholm 

Board Member
Milan Vračar 
Association Kulturanova – Serbia 
Preradovićeva 123/231, RS – 21132 Novi Sad 

Honorary Members
Axel Tangerding
Lena Gustafsson 

Christian Keller
EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Gumpendorferstraße 63B, AT – 1060 Wien

Ulrike Kuner
IG Freie Theaterarbeit /Austrian Association of Independent Performing Arts
Gumpendorferstraße 63B, AT – 1060 Wien

Esther Baio 
EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Gumpendorferstraße 63B, AT – 1060 Wien

Maren Streich 
EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Gumpendorferstraße 63B, AT – 1060 Wien