Photo: Dita Havránková
We are a proud EAIPA member and the co-founder of Asociace nezávislých divadel ČR, z.s. from the Czech Republic! 🇨🇿
The Czech Association of Independent Theatres (Asociace nezávislých divadel ČR – AND ČR) is a national umbrella organisation of independent theatre companies, production houses, venues and individual artists based in all regions of the Czech Republic. It was founded on 26 May 2016 in Prague. Today, we count more than 60 members, mostly associations, venues and companies.
Our foreign advisor and Czech Republic representative in the EAIPA since its foundation is Kryštof Koláček who has been working as a producer and manager within the independent sector on national and international levels for more than 15 years. Currently, he is the executive producer and manager of the Divadlo X10 (Theatre X10) which is one of the biggest players in the scene.
The principal tasks of the Association are to support the unique character of the independent theatre sector, to establish contact with public administration and to act as a common voice for the whole scene. Therefore, the Association contributes to the transparency of the sector and improves the conditions for the artistic activities of independent theatres.
During the last two years, we’ve been working really hard to convince our government that culture, especially independent one, must not be forgotten, even in such difficult times, because culture, and especially the independent one, can heal, help and connect in times when society is falling apart. And we have done it successfully.
These days, we are starting the EEA Grants with the project “Czech Association of Independent Theatres: Professional Organisation with International Dimension,” supported by the EEA Grants, which aims to create a professional background for the AND ČR and also to develop international cooperation and promote know-how exchange within the European Association of Independent Performing Arts (EAIPA) which is the main partner in this project.
Společně jsme silnější! / We are #strongertogether!
Find out more about independent performing arts in the Czech Republic in the 2nd edition of our brochure Introduction to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe (2021).
Follow us on Social Media:
Facebook: Asociace nezávislých divadel ČR, z.s.
EAIPA on Social Media:
Facebook: EAIPA European Association of Independent Performing Arts
Instagram: @eaipa_association
Twitter: @eaipa_assoc