We kindly invite you to EAIPA’s new Online-Series „Artists in Focus“! With this online series we connect to our last season’s series „Fairness in Focus“. Please note all dates (9.11./18.1./14.3./23.5.) – we will discuss very interesting themes and topics, who directly address the situations of artists.
#1 09.11.2023 – Mental health in focus
#2 18.01.2024 – Career support
#3 14.03.2024 – Arts as public health service
#4 23.05.2024 – Chain of responsibilities: funding politics
The event will be held in English language, please register here.
You can find the documentation of our recent event series „Fairness in Focus“ here.
Upcoming Artists in Focus Events:
#4 23.05.2024 – Chain of responsibilities: funding politics
We examine several European funding politics in regards to fair working conditions. Do funders query how individual artists are treated in the structures they are funding? Is the allocation of funds transparent and the working climate fair? We review some models where funding structures have put some monitoring mechanisms in place, whether or not they bring an improvement for artists and where more support is needed for a fairer treatment of artists at their workplace. (read more below)
#1 09.11.2023 – Mental health in focus
How do the working conditions and career prospects affect the mental health of artists? Over the past years, personal well-being has increasingly become a topic in societal discourse and has also found its way into funding criteria for performing arts. We present current studies and their findings and will interview artists and experts.
- Welcome by Ulrike Kuner (EAIPA president)
- Overview Report by Esther Baio (EAIPA project manager)
- Conversation with Anna Mendelssohn (actor, artist, psychotherapist)
- Presentation of BAPAM – British Association of Performing Arts Medicine by Claire Cordeaux (Chief Executive Officer), Anushka Tanna (Mental Health Ambassador) and Phoebe Butler (Training Manager)
- Open discussion round with all guests and participants
Presented Material:
- Overview report Esther Baio
- BAPAM Presentation
- Video link to watch back the event (a (free) fairapp login is required to be able to watch the video)
#2 18.01.2024 – Career Support
How do the working conditions and career prospects affect the mental health of artists? Over the past years, personal well-being has increasingly become a topic in societal discourse and has also found its way into funding criteria for performing arts. We present current studies and their findings and will interview artists and experts.
- Welcome by Ulrike Kuner (EAIPA president)
- Presentation of different European transition programs by Christian Keller (EAIPA)
- Round table discussion with:
- Oliver Dähler (SSUDK I SUI), Eilika Leibold (Stiftung Tanz I DE) and
- Aneta Brejchová / Jana Návratová / Petra Knížková (Dance Career Endowment Fund I CZ)
- Conversation with former dancer Claudia Fürnholzer (AT)
- Conversation with REACH ambassador and dancer Sarah Chun (British Dancers‘ Career Development I UK)
Presented Material:
- Presentation of different European transition programs
- Video link to watch back the event (a (free) fairapp login is required to be able to watch the video)
Further Links:
- The Swiss Umschulungsstiftung SSUDK
- The Czech Dance Career Endowment Fund
- The German STIFTUNG TANZ – Transition Zentrum Deutschland
- The Dutch Stichting Omscholingsregeling Dansers (SOD)
- The Swedish SOKstiftelsen
- The British Dancers‘ Career Development (DCD)
- The International Organization for the Transition of Professional Dancers
#3 14.03.2024 – Arts as Public Health Service
What can the arts do for public health? Throughout Europe, there are many examples of artist-driven projects that directly address communities with special needs. Whether it is the “arts on prescription” in the Baltic Sea region or dance classes for people with chronic diseases. Arts can do a lot for an individual’s well-being, but does this imply that artists are obliged to cover needs or gaps in the social system?
Program (moderated by Christian Keller):
- Welcome by Ulrike Kuner (EAIPA president)
- The Health Benefits of the Arts:
The latest research into the relationship between arts and (public) health was discussed with leading experts Jordi Baltà Portolés (European Dance Development Network) and Edith Wolf Perez (Arts for Health Austria I AT)
- Social Prescribing:
The work and models of different arts on prescription programs was presented by national and international project managers Dr Tola Dabiri (National Academy for Social Prescribing I UK) and Stine Eskesen Keiding (Interreg Baltic Sea Region project ‚Arts on Prescription‘ I DK)
- Project Experiences:
Performing artists and cultural managers Andrew Greenwood (switch2move I NL) and Ivan Koruza (Društvo Asociacija I SL) talked about their projects and experiences working with different health and business communities
- Practitioner’s Guide:
Arts, Health and Wellbeing advocate Kornelia Kiss (Culture Action Europe) talked about the CultureForHealth guide for artists who wish to work at the intersection of arts and health
Presented Material:
- Video link to watch back the event (a (free) fairapp login is required to be able to watch the video)
Further Links:
- 2019 WHO report What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being? A scoping review by Daisy Fancourt & Saoirse Finn
- 2021 EDN report Dance and Well-being by Jordi Baltà Portolés
- The resources of the 2023 European project CultureForHealth, including the Guide for Practitioners, The CultureForHealth Report, The Mapping and final Analysis
- The Austrian Arts for Health platform and its publication Arts and Health – Österreich im internationalen Kontext
- The Arts and Culture Social Prescribing branch of the UK’s National Academy for Social Prescribing
- The Interreg Baltic Sea Region project ‚Arts on Prescription‘
- Andrew Greenwood’s Dutch organization switch2move which works with people suffering from dementia, MS and Parkinson’s
- Društvo Asociacija’s Slovenian pilot project for the ‚Inclusion of Art in Businesses and Companies‘
- Red Noses – In laughter there is hope
- Arts and Health – Publication
- The Culture for Health Report
- Executive Order on Promoting the Arts, the Humanities, and Museum and Library Services
- EDN – Dance and Well-being – Publication
#4 23.05.2024 – Chain of Responsibilities: Funding Politics
We examine several European funding politics in regards to fair working conditions. Do funders query how individual artists are treated in the structures they are funding? Is the allocation of funds transparent and the working climate fair? We review some models where funding structures have put some monitoring mechanisms in place, whether or not they bring an improvement for artists and where more support is needed for a fairer treatment of artists at their workplace. (read more below)
Program (moderated by Christian Keller):
EAIPA’s online event ‚Chain of Responsibilities: Funding Politics‘ – in the framework of its ongoing 2023/2024 event series ‚Artists in Focus‘ – will bring different stakeholders to the table to examine European funding politics in regards to fair working conditions for artists. Do funders query how individual artists are treated in the structures they are funding? Is the allocation of funds transparent and the working climate fair? And what is the legal status of the artist across different European countries?
The first part of this event will see us review models where national funding structures have put monitoring mechanisms in place, whether or not they bring an improvement for artists and where more support is needed for a fairer treatment of artists at their workplace. After a brief presentation of the fairness process in Austria, Sara Lönnroth from the Swedish Arts Grant Committee and Henri Terho from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland will talk about the latest efforts to create fair funding structures in Scandinavia, while Irma McLoughlin from the Irish Theatre Forum will give an update on the recent assessment report of the Irish pilot project ‚Basic Income for the Arts‘.
The second part of this event will focus on artists‘ working conditions and their legal status on the European level. For this, we will discuss the recent EU report on the status and working conditions of artists with the heads of the OMC Working Group: Toby Dennett from the Irish Arts Council and Heidemarie Meissnitzer from the Austrian Ministry of the Arts and Culture. Furthermore, policy researcher Elena Polivtseva will join the conversation to discuss what measures the EU can take in the future, and how difficult it is to find a Europe-wide solution.
Afterwards, there will be time for questions and discussion.
- Welcome by Ulrike Kuner (EAIPA president)
- Fair Funding:
Brief presentation of the Austrian fairness process, followed by discussions of fair funding models in Scandinavia with Sara Lönnroth and Henri Terho as well as an update on the Irish Basic Income for Artists by Irma McLoughlin.
- Fair Politics:
Discussion of the OMC Working group’s EU report on artists‘ working conditions with Toby Dennett and Heidemarie Meissnitzer, followed by a conversation with Elena Polivtseva about an EU-wide game plan.
Guests include: Toby Dennett, Heidemarie Meissnitzer, Elena Polivtseva, Henri Terho, Sara Lönnroth, Irma McLoughlin, and more…
Presented Material:
- (will be added after the event)
Video link to watch back the event (a (free) fairapp login is required to be able to watch the video)
Further Links:
(will be added after the event)