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Venue: Theatercafé Spektakel, Hamburger Straße 14, 1050 Wien

Participation possible
in person or via live stream on EAIPA website & Facebook
The event will be held in English language

With the conference „WALK THE LINE – FAIRNESS FOR THE INDEPENDENT PERFORMING ARTS IN EUROPE“, EAIPA focuses on various European fairness processes and tries to take stock:

Which processes regarding ‚fairness‘ have emerged in Europe? How do they differ, what are their similarities? How far advanced are these processes in the respective countries and what can other nations learn from their experiences? What types of processes are there? (fair pay, minimum fees, artist status, fairness codes, codes of conduct, etc.) But also: Which political developments endanger the free performing arts scene and what do these movements say about the appreciation of democratic and European values in their countries?

International guests will report from their countries, present best practice models, and provide an overview of both positive and negative developments for the independent performing arts sector.

There are 80 places for participation live in Vienna. We are looking forward to welcoming you also via livestream to this conference by EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts.

Please note: For on-site participation a 2,5G-evidence (PCR-Test, vaccination or proof of recovery) is required. Participants also need to wear a FFP2-mask during the entire event. For live-participation please register by 21.03.2022 via info[at] with your full name, E-Mail address and phone number.

We are looking forward to welcoming you to this conference by EAIPA – European Association of Independent Performing Arts.

This event is supported by BMKÖS – Bundesministerium für Kunst, Kultur, Öffentlichen Dienst und Sport.



Full program:

Moderation: Christian Keller

10 – 10.20 h

  • Welcome and introduction: EAIPA board members: Ulrike Kuner and Kryštof Koláček

10.20 – 10.50 h

  • INPUT: What do we know about the independent performing arts scene in Europe?
    Overview of facts&figures, relevant topics, current studies and examinations
    Presentation by Thomas F. Eder

coffee break

11 h

  • FAIR POLITICS: the actual situation of ipa in Europe
  • Short Presentations from European countries with “unfair” politics:
    • Slovenia (presentation by Inga Remeta)
    • Belarus (presentation by Theatre Community Belarus)
    • Hungary (presentation by Anikó Rácz)

Participants in the following discussion: Inga Remeta, Anikó Rácz, Theatre Community Belarus

11.45 h

    • Brigitte Winkler-Komar, Head of Department for Music and Performing Arts, Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sports: Presentation of the Fairness Process 2020 – 2022. Initial thoughts, themes, procedures and experiences.

12.30 h

Simon Mayer – Video: Strong Man (2021)
Lunch break

13.30– 14.15 h:

  • FAIR PAY in Europe: Round Table
  • Short Presentations:
    • Minimum Honorarium Fees: DE, AT, CH (presentation by Esther Baio)
    • Collective agreements in SE (presentation by Lena Gustafsson)
    • Minimum Fee recommendations in Iceland (Orri Huginn Àgústsson)
  • Participants in the following discussion: Kryštof Koláĉek, Ulrike Kuner, Nina M. Kohler, Alexander Gottfarb, Lena Gustafsson, Orri Hugin Àgústsson

14.15 – 15.45 h:

  • FAIR STRUCTURES and social dimensions in Europe:
    • Short presentations of administrative structures:
      • DE: Project ,Systemcheck’ – project presentation Cilgia Gadola (BFDK)
      • Social insurance for self-employed artists DE, AT, SI and “Intermittency” in SE, PT, IT, CH (presentation by Esther Baio)
  • Panel discussion with Lena Gustafsson, Inga Remeta, Davide D’Antonio, Mafalda Sebastião, Nina M. Kohler, Cilgia Gadola
  • Short presentations of newly built structures and introductions of independent performing arts structures in Eastern European Regions:
    • Performing Arts Centre Iceland (presentation by Friðrik Friðriksson)
    • Toplocentrala in Sofia (presentation by Stefan Prohorov)
    • IPA in Kosovo (presentation by Elmaze Nura)
    • IPA in Romania (presentation by Radu Popescu)
  • Open questions with Stefan Prohorov, Friðrik Friðriksson, Elmaze Nura, Radu Popescu

 coffee break

16.00 – 16.30 h:

    • Introduction to the process of a fairness codex (Axel Tangerding)
    • Fairspec CH / Zurich (presentation by Diana Rojas-Feile)
    • Open Questions with Diana Rojas-Feile and Axel Tangerding
    • IETM: Perform Europe (Elena Polivtseva)

16.30 – 17 h:

  • Questions / Remarks / Summary

Christian Keller, Thomas F. Eder, Ulrike Kuner, Inga Remeta


Speakers (in alphabetical order)

Orri Huginn Àgústsson (IS); Association of Independent Theatres in Iceland (AITI), EAIPA board
Esther Baio (AT); EAIPA, IG Freie Theaterarbeit (IGFT)
Davide D’Antonio (IT); Etre Associazione, EAIPA board
Thomas F. Eder (DE); Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
Friðrik Friðriksson (IS); Icelandic Performing Arts Centre
Cilgia Gadola (DE); Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (BFDK)
Alexander Gottfarb (SE/AT); artist, Wiener Perspektive (WP)
Lena Gustafsson (SE); Teatercentrum
Christian Keller (DE/AT); editor gift magazine, freelance translator and PhD candidate at King’s College London/Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Nina Mariel Kohler (CH); t.punkt, EAIPA board
Kryštof Koláĉek (CZ); AND ČR, Divadlo Archa
Ulrike Kuner (AT); IG Freie Theaterarbeit (IGFT), EAIPA board
Simon Mayer (AT); artist
Elmaze Nura (XK); Univ. of Prishtina „Hasan Prishtina“
Elena Polivtseva (BE); International network for contemporary performing arts (IETM)
Radu Popescu (RO); Asociația Teatrelor Independente (ATI)
Stefan Prohorov (BU); ACT Association
Anikó Rácz (HU); SÍN Art Center, Sziget Festival, IETM Advisory Committee
Inga Remeta (SI); Glej Theatre, Društvo Asociacija, EAIPA board
Diana Rojas-Feile (CH); Fairspec
Mafalda Sebastião (PT); Lisbon City Council, Municipal Directorate of Culture
Axel Tangerding (DE); Meta Theatre Munich, EAIPA board
Theatre Community Belarus; anonymous
Brigitte Winkler-Komar (AT); Head of Department for Music and Performing Arts, Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture, Civil Service and Sports (BMKÖS)