Inside views to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe

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“Inside views to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe”

The European Association of Independent Performing Arts (EAIPA) invites colleagues, performing arts professionals, representatives from politics, science and administration to a digital presentation of the research:

„An Introduction to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe – Thirteen Performing Arts Structures at a Glance“ (published by EAIPA in 2021) – followed by a moderated Q&A about central topics and questions.

EAIPA has set itself the goal of observing the framework conditions for the independent performing arts in various European countries and of regularly informing the public. The research presented is our regular monitoring tool, which is revised and republished every two years.

Central questions are aimed primarily at the social security of the performing arts professionals and the risk of poverty, (missing) official data, national funding instruments, acute fields of action – etc. We want to present the results and propositions of this second edition to an expert audience and discuss them together, with the aim of providing impulses and suggestions for local and national funding policy.


Moderation: Christian Keller

14h CET: Welcome by Ulrike Kuner (president EAIPA), followed by presentation of research by Thomas F. Eder (editor of the brochure)
14.30h CET: “data in national context” – inside views from EAIPA members
15h CET “open round”: Christian Keller will bring forward questions arising from the information shared in the brochure. All guests are invited to join the discussion.

  1. Are the independent performing arts fully recognized as a field of its own, and is it considered in its own right in legislative processes, funding practice and government statistics? If not, what exactly needs to improve?
  2. Are the state’s efforts sufficient to protect artists from poverty? What is the state’s responsibility in this regard and how can it be met?
  3. Corona emergency aid has helped many artists to survive the crisis in the short term. It is becoming clear, however, that crisis management also requires a medium and long-term strategy. What needs to be done so that artists do not have to stop working in 5 years’ time due to the consequences of the Corona crisis?
  4. Governance is the key to improving the status of the artists and to managing the crisis. How can continuous and constructive cooperation between governments and independent performing arts associations be ensured?

15.30 CET: conclusion by Thomas F. Eder and end

The brochure is available for download here.
Find a summary of the content in the event report here. (published in gift – zeitschrift für freies theater 01/2022)
The video of the live stream is available here: