The Economic and Sociopolitical Situation of the Independent Performing Arts in Europe

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This questionnaire aims to collect data to examine the economic and sociopolitical situation of independent performing arts in Europe. The data is used to map the organizational field of independent performing arts and to provide a direct Europe-wide overview that creates a basis for comparison concerning distinct national characteristics of independent performing arts infrastructures, social status of artists, funding systems and the role of advocacy organizations.

The gathering and presentation of data will provide information about similarities and differences of Europe’s independent performing arts communities and all results will be accessible to interest groups and advocacy organizations, which, in turn, can use them to engage in advocacy for better working conditions and the further advancement concerning the status of the artist in their respective countries.

Independent performing arts communities in Europe are manifold and diverse. Their membership reaches from small individual players to large international production houses or festivals. This survey is designed for both and you can take part as an individual person or as an organization. You might be an individual person who represents one or more organizations. In this case, we would like to ask you to fill in one questionnaire for you as an individual person and one for each organization you represent.

Thank you for taking part in the survey about Europe’s independent performing arts community. Your participation is crucial for the success of this study and provides valuable information to help improve the living and working conditions for artists across the continent.

For reasons of data comparability in this cross-national survey research, we have decided to present the questionnaire in English. Please read this additional information below as a how to manual that is designed to answer any questions you might have while filling in the questionnaire. In case your questions are not answered below, please feel free to contact the researcher directly.

1. Role

You can take part in this survey as an individual person or as an organization. In the beginning of the questionnaire you are asked to choose whether you want to continue as one or the other. Individuals will be asked different questions than organizations. You might be an individual person who represents one or more organizations. In this case, we would like to ask you to fill in one questionnaire for you as an individual person and one for each organization you represent.

For Individuals

(Organizations please continue below)

Questions 2 to 9, 11 to 13, 15 and 18 to 21 seemed unambiguous to us. If you need any further assistance answering them please contact the researcher directly.

10. Social security

Please let us know if you are covered by social security. Social security or social insurance are umbrella-terms for e.g. medicare, pension-insurance, unemployment insurance etc.. What the term entails, differs from country to country. Here we are not interested in the specifics, but would like to know if you are generally protected by social security in your country.

14. Interaction and interconnectedness in the organizational field of independent performing arts

To find out more about the interconnectedness of the field, please let us know how much you engage in cooperation and communication with other players in the field.

16. Monthly gross wage

This question is directed towards employees only, since it is often not applicable for freelancers. Please state the amount in your local currency.

17. Annual income

Due to the irregularities that occurred in 2020 because of the corona pandemic, we ask you to please provide an answer for 2019 and 2020. If you complete this questionnaire before the end of the year, please estimate the amount for the whole year 2020. Please state the amount in your local currency.

22. Advocacy and governance

Please let us know how well you feel represented and how much you engage in advocacy work on both municipal and national level.

For Organizations

Questions 2,3,5 to 8, 11 and 14 to 18  seemed unambiguous to us. If you need any further assistance answering them please contact the researcher directly.

4. Legal status

In case you only know the legal status in your own language please check whether it can be subsumed under one of the options provided. If not, please mention it in your local language in the free field behind the word „Other“.

9. Interaction and interconnectedness in the organizational field of independent performing arts

To find out more about the interconnectedness of the field, please let us know how much you engage in cooperation and communication with colleagues and other institutions.

10. Employment in 2019

In 2020, the corona pandemic has presented many organizations with major challenges. To see what factors this is reflected in, we ask for some figures from the previous year as well.

12. Advocacy and governance

Please let us know how well you feel represented and how much you engage in advocacy work on both municipal and national levels.

13. Productions and audience in 2019

In 2020, the corona pandemic has presented many organizations with major challenges. To see what factors this is reflected in, we ask for some figures from 2019.