Ciao! We are EAIPA member Progetto Cresco – Coordinamento delle Realtà della Scena Contemporanea from Italy!

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👋 Ciao!

We are EAIPA member Progetto Cresco – Coordinamento delle Realtà della Scena Contemporanea from Italy 🇮🇹

We are a national network representing more than 200 artists, professionals, structures and festivals focused on the contemporary languages of the performing arts. Founded in 2010 in Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza, Italy), we collect requests and needs from our members and we interact with national and regional institutions.

Chiara Baudino, C.Re.S.Co. board member, is representing us in EAIPA.

We want to bring together cultural professionals and artists who are active in the contemporary community in order to collectively pursue a project and develop a sensitivity that is both poetic and political, necessary to create beauty and thought as well as to protect the dignity of the performing art workers. We want to preserve the role of the artist in the current Italian social context, the overall growth of artistic and innovative languages and the creation, at a regional and national level, of a fair, dynamic cultural system open to future perspective.

Thanks to the collaboration with the international networks we are part of, EAIPA and IETM, we’ve been able to curate the Italian dissemination of the Dresden Declaration, both live and online. Our aim was to spread the document at the national level and to create awareness among Italian policy makers, institutions and artists about its main points: condition of workers and freedom of expression, environmental sustainability, inclusiveness and accessibility, international collaboration and education.

In 2021 we promoted Cultural delivery, an online format to address the issues of the performing art sector. In each session, our President invited political exponents or institutional representatives of the Ministry of Culture and a journalist to discuss, in an informal way, the implemented strategies to promote and relaunch the artistic and creative Italian production after the pandemic emergency.

Currently we curated the event „La danza in equilibrio“, 11-12 June at Scenaio Pubblico, Catania, a national conference promoting meetings and exchanges between artists, policy makers and Institution on some main topics regarding the dance sector: regional balance, best practices, welfare for the artists.

We also collaborate in LIMEN Beyond Borders, the European seminar on the quality of residencies, taking place in Teatro Dimora, Mondaino on 28-29 June 2022. Two days of reflection and discussion to understand the meaning of residence interpreted in different European contexts. This event is part of the Creative Europe project „Stronger peripheries: a Southern Coalition“.

Siamo più forti insieme! We are #strongertogether!

Find out more about independent performing arts in Italy in the 2nd edition of our brochure Introduction to the Independent Performing Arts in Europe (2021).

Follow us on Social Media:

Facebook: Progetto Cresco
Instagram: @progettocresco
Twitter: @progettocresco


EAIPA on Social Media:

Facebook: EAIPA European Association of Independent Performing Arts